Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bah humbug.

So, I've got two weeks of vacation right now. And, as most of you know, my foot is busted. Well, not busted - just out of order. I did something to it last weekend, and after walking on it for a full week after that, it's feeling very cranky. So, it looks like most of my vacation will be spent not using my foot, which means staying inside or riding my bike (bike doesn't bother it) to a cafe or something where I can sit further. It's kind of depressing - I was planning on going to Leipzig and then Prague with Ariana, and now I...can't.

But I can't stay down for long! *breaks out the cane and straw hat, starts humming "Ragtime Gal"* Since I can't have geographical adventures, I've decided to go with gastronomical adventures instead. I've purchased canned fish (these Germans love their herring), liverwurst, and horse-meat sausage (in order from least to most terrifying).

Adventure the First.

I started off with some not-very-German fish - good ol' sardines. Which I haven't had in ages (I remember eating them when I was little with Dad, even though Mom thought they were gross), but I figured they couldn't be too bad. I discovered it's actually kind of fun eating them - you feel like a giant putting these almost whole fish in your mouth and crunching them up. Tomorrow (or tonight! if I'm feeling brave) I'll give the liver a go. Yum yum.

So, aside from my broken-foot-induced culinary risks, there is one other thing of interest going on. One of the teachers I work with is going to be in the hospital for three weeks for a minor surgery after the vacation, and she wants me to take two of her classes each week until she gets back. All by myself. No one else in the calssroom. Eeeek. They're first-year brewers, and I've never met them. It should be...interesting. I'm really very nervous. Enrico thinks I'll be fine, though he said if I'm not comfortable it's okay to just say so and someone else will do it, since this is explicitly in the guidelines as something I don't have to do (teach by myself). But I kind of think it'll be fun/interesting. So, we will see how it goes.

Okay. Maybe I'll post tomorrow about horsemeat. Or hot air balloons. I accidentally flashed a hot air balloon today. Maybe I'll post about that tomorrow. I'm tired of typing.

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