Friday, April 5, 2013

&*^%$ toddlers, man.

A transcript:

Me: Okay, here's some cheese.
Jim: Noooooooo! *screams, pushes it away*
Me: Okay, you don't have to have it.
Jim: CHEEEEEEEEESE! *sobs, hurls self to ground*
Me: Look, man, no one's fighting you. You can have it or not, whatever you want. It's just sitting there right by you.
Jim: *shrieks, turns red, continues conniption*

Most of the time he's charming, but he's definitely started the full-on irrational tantrum age. Stay tuned for pictures of the charming times.


Oma said...

Noah only threw one fit like that. I didn't give in to him and started using time outs. Had to hold him there the first time, but stayed after that. Unfortunately Jimbo sounds more like Rhianna who had screaming meemie fits complete with seizures if not distracted from her idea. Keep telling yourself,"this too shall pass" and keep calm. Hugs. Parenting is an adventure.

Aunt Dee said...

He sounds just like your cousin Seamus( age 3), Don't always give in, .could be a problem sweetie. :-)

Anonymous said...

He sounds just like your cousin Seamus( age 3), Don't always give in, .could be a problem sweetie. :-)